Evaluate LLMs with OpenCompass#

The LLMs accelerated by lmdeploy can be evaluated with OpenCompass.


In this part, we are going to setup the environment for evaluation.

Install lmdeploy#

Please follow the installation guide to install lmdeploy.

Install OpenCompass#

Install OpenCompass from source. Refer to installation for more information.

git clone https://github.com/open-compass/opencompass.git
cd opencompass
pip install -e .

At present, you can check the Quick Start to get to know the basic usage of OpenCompass.

Download datasets#

Download the core datasets

# Run in the OpenCompass directory
cd opencompass
wget https://github.com/open-compass/opencompass/releases/download/0.1.8.rc1/OpenCompassData-core-20231110.zip
unzip OpenCompassData-core-20231110.zip

Prepare Evaluation Config#

OpenCompass uses the configuration files as the OpenMMLab style. One can define a python config and start evaluating at ease. OpenCompass has supported the evaluation for lmdeploy’s TurboMind engine using python API.

Dataset Config#

In the home directory of OpenCompass, we are writing the config file $OPENCOMPASS_DIR/configs/eval_lmdeploy.py. We select multiple predefined datasets and import them from OpenCompass base dataset configs as datasets.

from mmengine.config import read_base

with read_base():
    # choose a list of datasets
    from .datasets.mmlu.mmlu_gen_a484b3 import mmlu_datasets
    from .datasets.ceval.ceval_gen_5f30c7 import ceval_datasets
    from .datasets.SuperGLUE_WiC.SuperGLUE_WiC_gen_d06864 import WiC_datasets
    from .datasets.SuperGLUE_WSC.SuperGLUE_WSC_gen_7902a7 import WSC_datasets
    from .datasets.triviaqa.triviaqa_gen_2121ce import triviaqa_datasets
    from .datasets.gsm8k.gsm8k_gen_1d7fe4 import gsm8k_datasets
    from .datasets.race.race_gen_69ee4f import race_datasets
    from .datasets.crowspairs.crowspairs_gen_381af0 import crowspairs_datasets
    # and output the results in a chosen format
    from .summarizers.medium import summarizer

datasets = sum((v for k, v in locals().items() if k.endswith('_datasets')), [])

Model Config#

This part shows how to setup model config for LLMs. Let’s check some examples:

from opencompass.models.turbomind import TurboMindModel

internlm_20b = dict(
        path="internlm/internlm-20b",  # this path should be same as in huggingface
        gen_config=dict(top_k=1, top_p=0.8,
        run_cfg=dict(num_gpus=1, num_procs=1),

models = [internlm_20b]


Execute Evaluation Task#

After defining the evaluation config, we can run the following command to start evaluating models. You can check Execution Task for more arguments of run.py.

# in the root directory of opencompass
python3 run.py configs/eval_lmdeploy.py --work-dir ./workdir